5 Tips for Dealing With A Family Member With Alzheimer’s

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  • Educate yourself about Alzheimer’s to better anticipate your loved one’s needs and behavior.
  • Create a structured routine, including meal times, exercise, leisure activities and socialization.
  • Use simple communication strategies when speaking with your loved one.
  • Stay connected with friends and family for emotional support.
  • Consider home hospice care for specialized care and respite for caregivers.

If you have a family member who has Alzheimer’s, you know firsthand the challenges that come with caring for them. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that affects memory, behavior, and thinking and can make it difficult for your loved one to communicate effectively or perform daily tasks. This guide will provide five tips for dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s.

1. Educate Yourself About Alzheimer’s

One of the best things you can do to help your loved one is to educate yourself about Alzheimer’s disease. Learn about the stages of the disease, the symptoms, and how it affects the brain. By understanding the disease, you can better anticipate your loved one’s needs and behavior, which can help you to be more patient and understanding.

It’s also important to learn about the different treatments available for Alzheimer’s, including medications and non-pharmacological interventions. This can help you work with your loved one’s doctor to find the best treatment plan.

2. Create a Structured Routine

Creating a structured routine can be helpful for someone with Alzheimer’s. Having a routine can help your loved one feel more secure and comfortable, as they will know what to expect.

Flexibility with the routine is important, as your loved one’s needs and abilities may change over time. As the disease progresses, your loved one may need more help with certain activities or can no longer participate in others.

Here are some factors to include in a structured routine:

Meal Times

It is important to maintain regular meal times, as this can help regulate your loved one’s digestion and energy levels. Keeping meals simultaneously daily will provide a sense of predictability that your loved one may appreciate. If they have difficulty eating alone, consider assisting with meal preparation or having someone dine with them.


seniors exercising together

Exercise is important for anyone, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease. Encouraging physical activity helps keep your loved one active and engaged in their environment while also helping to maintain brain health. Depending on the person’s mobility level, activities such as walking, swimming or chair exercises can be beneficial. Consider making it part of the daily routine to keep them motivated.

Leisure Time

Finding enjoyable activities and hobbies is essential for someone with Alzheimer’s. This can help maintain your loved one’s sense of purpose and can also provide a connection to their former self. Consider activities that have always been enjoyable to your loved one, such as painting or music, but also be open to trying new things.


It is important to maintain strong relationships with friends and family members who are understand the disease. Socializing can help reduce levels of stress and agitation while providing companionship and comfort during difficult times. Depending on their individual needs, consider incorporating social events into the weekly routine or providing opportunities for virtual visits with family members.

3. Use Simple Communication Strategies

People with Alzheimer’s may have difficulty understanding complex language or processing information quickly. Using simple communication strategies can help your loved one feel more comfortable and confident in their ability to communicate.

Some tips for effective communication include using short, simple sentences, speaking slowly and clearly, and avoiding distractions such as loud noises or competing conversations. You can also use visual aids, such as pictures or gestures, to help your loved one understand what you are saying.

4. Stay Connected With Friends and Family

happy senior couple using remote

Alzheimer’s can be isolating, and staying connected with friends and family is important. This can help your loved one feel supported and engaged in the world around them.

You can encourage visits from friends and family or participate in activities together, such as walking or playing a game. Social interaction can help stimulate your loved one’s brain and improve their overall well-being.

5. Consider Home Hospice Care

As the disease progresses, your loved one may need more specialized care than you can provide at home. Utilizing reliable home hospice care can provide comfort and support for both your loved one and your family.

Hospice care can provide pain management, emotional support, and assistance with daily activities for your loved one. It can also provide respite care for caregivers, allowing them to take a break and recharge.

In Summary

Dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s can be a challenging and emotional experience. However, with the right tools and support, you can provide your loved one with the care and attention they need. By educating yourself about Alzheimer’s disease, creating a structured routine, using simple communication strategies, staying connected with friends and family, and considering hospice care, you can help your loved one maintain their dignity and quality of life.

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