Eating Disorders: Helping a Loved One Get through

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A lot of different factors can cause weight fluctuations. Some have imbalanced hormones which cause rapid weight gain or weight loss while others experience it because of certain medications for their health condition.

However, when weight fluctuation is caused other than by underlying medical conditions, but, is somewhat intentionally done, then it is a whole new different kind of situation in itself. Overeating, eating too little, or purging out food from your body, is a form of an eating disorder.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to handle the condition and manage it. Others can control it through having an eating disorder treatment plan from centers in Westport. Some check themselves into facilities that will help monitor their condition.

Regardless of what method one uses to manage the situation, providing help is the first step to healing.

Understanding the different kinds of eating disorder

Often times, people who suffer from eating disorders are not aware that they are experiencing one, or refuses to accept the reality of the situation out of fear or shame. Thus, it is your job as a loved one or a friend to be observant and listen to such plights of help even though it is not the most obvious thing.

One of the best ways to know if you have a loved one going through such conditions is through understanding the different kinds of an eating disorder. Anorexia is one of them. This is where someone constantly feels the need to lose weight because they look fat even though in reality, they are already below the ideal healthy weight.

Anorexic people eat way less than usual and are very conscious about their calorie intake as well as their weight and appearance. Binge eating can be considered as the opposite of anorexia. This is when someone cannot stop eating even though they are full and finds solace in food, especially during stressful situations.

This often leads to obesity and rapid weight increase. Bulimia is the third type and is often a tricky one. Bulimic people would secretly binge eat a huge amount of food and then would purge the food out of their bodies to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy and unnatural way.

Seek professional treatment

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There is no other way to treat and manage eating disorder other than through professional medical help. Convincing your loved one to do so can be challenging. So your role as a friend or family is essential. The people closest to the patient often have the most power and access to assess the gravity of one’s situation, which is instrumental for healing.

Eating disorder is more than a physical disorder. It is also a mental one. So expect the treatment and management to involve a lot of professionals that will not just take care of your loved one’s physical health, but also their mental well-being.

Know someone who might be suffering from an eating disorder? Be there and extend your help. This is the first step in making sure that they get the right kind of treatment and support that they deserve.

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