Looking and Feeling Good in the New Normal

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People are constantly struggling with looking and feeling their best during this pandemic, but it doesn’t have to be this way. When you take better care of your well-being, it’s easier to live a happy and fulfilled lifestyle. Even in the new normal where we never know what to expect in the tomorrow to come, taking care of yourself is something your future self will thank you for when the time comes. It’ll be easier to manage your everyday life during this challenging period when this is the case. We’ll be listing the ways to look and feel your best in the new normal in the following.

Portrait of fit red haired woman doing yoga exercises at home on floor: sitting with legs crossed in lotus position on mat and smiling


Taking care of yourself by engaging in regular physical activity might sound like an overrated piece of advice, but a necessary one for your overall well-being. This isn’t just for how you look and to become fit, but there’s a science to all this. When you’re working out, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine into your body, which are hormones that make you feel good and happy.

In comparison, the stress hormone called cortisol is also reduced when you work out. Individuals are also shown to be happier, calmer, and more productive when they regularly exercise than those who don’t. If you’re someone who tends to be anxious and stressed about what the future holds this pandemic, exercise can ground you and keep you balanced in everyday life. When you exercise, you feel more accomplished and disciplined, so people include this in their routine.


Physical activity alone won’t suffice in making you look and feel good throughout the pandemic, as proper nutrition also plays a significant role in this. You don’t have to eat meals consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables, nor do you have to be on a strict diet. However, a balanced diet is enough to make you feel healthy and look good in this new normal. A balanced diet consists primarily of five food groups: fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy.

So while exercise is a healthy habit overall, pairing it with proper nutrition is even better. This isn’t just for reaching your weight goals, but proper nutrition can also contribute to your body maintaining a stable mood and energy level. In contrast, regularly consuming junk food, fast food, and processed foods will be detrimental to your health and well-being.


You mustn’t neglect your self-care, especially during this new normal. Whether that means prioritizing yourself more, taking breaks, or going to necessary errands, self-care is especially crucial for your mental health and well-being. It also significantly helps you cope with stress and anxiety better. So if you find that you’re on the verge of burnout and fatigue because of work or having trouble focusing, it’s likely you need better self-care habits. Self-care can be as simple as ramping up your skincare routine or making your favorite meal.

In the new normal, self-care can also mean addressing any concerns about how you look healthily. Going out to get a professional facial, addressing your dental problems by getting an Invisalign treatment, or even a variety of different cosmetic procedures can help address any prolonged insecurities affecting your mood and self-confidence.


The new normal has zoomed in on our need for socialization and connections, even if it’s in simple ways. While going out and exposing yourself isn’t considered a viable option, there are better alternatives you can think of. For instance, you can socialize by calling up a family member, connecting with people on social media, video calls, dating apps, and a lot more. These are just some many examples of connecting and feeling less isolated through social media and the online world. You’ll feel and look better when you’re talking to people you love as it reminds you that you have so much love that surrounds you, even if it may be at a distance for the time being.


Though traveling during the new normal may seem daunting at first, multiple health and safety protocols are in effect to protect you should you choose to go on that trip. Despite these restrictions, there are various safe ways to travel and expand your horizons. For instance, you could use a private car if you are to travel somewhere with your family for a getaway. You could ensure to follow all protocols if you’re traveling to another country and taking a plane. When you travel, you’re not only happier, but you feel more spontaneous and outgoing. Traveling reminds you of everything life has to offer.

Even amid such uncertain times, carving out the time and energy to keep yourself happy and healthy pay back spades in the long run.

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