Proven Pointers to Keep Your Teeth and Bones Strong for Life

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Bones are the body’s support system, and the teeth help you consume food needed for survival, making it crucial to keep both strong and healthy. However, losing bone density and teeth are common health concerns of aging individuals. One in three adults over the age of 65 experience tooth loss, and over 10 million adults have osteoporosis (bone tissue deterioration) in the United States.

Aging is inevitable, but bone and tooth loss doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways you can keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy for life.

Cut Down Wear and Tear

Although your teeth and bones are healthy, they can still become worn down over time. For instance, when you chew, bite, or grind your teeth, it wears down the enamel, the hard, outer layer of the teeth. Additionally, when you get older, you’re prone to developing diseases such as osteoarthritis that cause bone tissue deterioration, weakening the bones’ structure.

You can’t remove a lifetime of wear and tear without having it restored through orthopedic or oral surgery, but you can keep it from getting worse. You can do this by regularly exercising for your bones and avoiding eating hard foods like ice or chips for your teeth.

Pair Calcium with Vitamin D

One of the most effective ways to ensure strong bones and teeth long-term is to get the right nutrition. Calcium is an essential mineral needed for the proper development of bones and teeth. However, it needs the help of vitamin D. That’s because these two work together to help your body absorb more of the bone-boosting calcium.

Foods rich in calcium include dairy products like yogurt or whole milk and leafy greens, such as spinach. Pair up your calcium-rich foods with vitamin D fortified drinks like orange juice.

Old man eating an apple

Stock Up on Vitamin K

Vitamin K is known to help out with blood clotting, but it can also help with your bones’ health by stimulating the body to make more proteins for them. Studies have shown that individuals with higher vitamin K levels in their system have higher bone density, while those who don’t are likely to develop osteoporosis. You can consume more vitamin K by adding kale, spinach, and other leafy greens to your diet.

Stay Active

It’s no secret that exercise can do wonders for your body, including ensuring bone and teeth health. Remember that your bones are living tissues, meaning it changes over time following the forces you apply to it. So, when you exercise regularly, your bones adapt by increasing their density. Additionally, staying physically active can reduce your chances of developing gum disease.

Drop the Vices

Bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking contribute to bone and teeth deterioration, so it’s best if you drop these habits as early on as possible. Excessive alcohol consumption can kill osteoblasts, the bone-making cells, and break down teeth enamel. Meanwhile, when you smoke, the nicotine slows the production of bone-forming cells in your body and increases tartar accumulation on your teeth, leading to periodontal (gum) disease.

Your bones and teeth continuously break down as you age due to several factors, including wear and tear, unhealthy eating habits, and vices. Although unavoidable, the tips mentioned can help you keep your teeth and bones strong for as long as possible, allowing you to smile and live confidently.

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