6 Flowers You Need to Avoid When Designing Your Wedding Bouquet

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If you adore flowers, having your wedding in spring is probably the best decision you’ll ever make. You have easy access to sweet peas, peonies, roses, and other in-season floras that can make your wedding day special.

While every flower has its beauty, not everything is perfect for your wedding. You must keep in mind that not all flowers will hold up well with your bouquet. Remember that there’s more to a wedding & wedding reception venue in Salt Lake City than meets the eye. To help you make the right choice, here are a few blooms that you need to think about when creating your wedding bouquet:


Although peonies are one of the most popular wedding flowers in many ceremonies, Martha Stewart Weddings suggests that peonies are an odd choice for your bouquet. That’s because peonies are rather expensive and bruises well when not handled correctly. If you want to have a perfect appearance at your wedding, it’s best to choose flowers that are sturdier. Use peonies for the centerpieces instead.

Sunflowers and daisies

daffodils on the grassBoth these flowers are indeed beautiful. They’re great for people who have a sensitive nose for strong scents, too. However, My Wedding says that these flowers have high pollen content. Depending on your level of allergy, it’s best to decide how much you want to use them in your bouquet. If you’re allergic to pollens, it’s best to use other flowers.


Another favorite flower in spring is lilacs. These exotic flowers often give us a nostalgic feeling of fresh spring meadows every time we see one. However, their woody stems require a lot of water to remain beautiful. If not, these flowers will look droopy, especially if they’re out of water for the entire day.


Daffodils are a great addition to any yard. However, it can be toxic to other blooms if mixed. Adding them to your bouquet can cause its poisonous sap to kill other flowers when they share water. That’s why it’s best to create a centerpiece that only has daffodils in it to prevent it from damaging other plants.


Poppies can make you look even more beautiful, especially if you’re wearing a white gown. These beautiful floras provide a fantastic contrast against your gown, which creates a stunning effect on wedding photos. However, it has a lot of pollens that can ruin your beautiful white wedding dress. That’s why it’s best to choose other blooms instead.


Hellebores exude charm and romantic elegance to any occasion, but it tends to wilt quickly and can be delicate to maintain. While it’s a perfect addition to your centerpieces, having it on your bouquet is not a good option.

These are just some of the flowers you need to think about when designing your bouquet. Keep in mind that an essential event just happened in your lives. Don’t let yourself be bothered about it and enjoy your day. After all, you’re starting a whole new chapter in your life with your partner.

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