Cryptid Hunting in Michigan: Why It Remains a Hobby

man with dog out for hunting
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Michigan residents are no stranger to hunting; the state, after all, is one of the leading states in this form of recreation. Considering how popular the outdoor activity is, people who have already obtained their hunting licenses need very little before they can go on a hunting trip in the area. If you need gear or hunting wear, they are available in any hunting shop in Michigan.

The whitetail deer is one of the most common hunting targets during the firearm season in the state. However, not everyone who hunts finds themselves drawn to the typical deer as their hunting reward. Some are more inclined to search for unknown species spotted in the area: cryptids.

What Are Cryptids?

A cryptid is any creature whose existence has yet to be proven or disproven by science. They may be:

  • Known animals with unusual appearance or size
  • Animals that don’t resemble a recorded species
  • Known animals inhabiting a place where they’re not endemic
  • Creatures known to be extinct but are still seen in certain areas
  • Creatures with supposedly paranormal or supernatural qualities, and
  • Creatures from folklore or legends

People only know of these entities through anecdotes and blurry documentation like videos or photos. Some well-known examples of cryptids are the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot. Many have endeavored to find evidence of their existence. Countless stories, photos, and ‘found footage’ have turned up – but the real creatures have not.

The Start of Cryptozoology

Still, it doesn’t mean that people have stopped hunting for them.  As a matter of fact, such interest has led to the creation of Cryptozoology, a subculture that seeks to find and unravel the mysteries behind cryptids in the hope of proving their existence. The concept behind cryptids and Cryptozoology isn’t unfounded; there is always a possibility for scientists to discover new species of animals.

Since the start of Cryptozoology, three creatures have been removed from the list of known cryptids. The Giant Squid, the Platypus, and the Frilled Shark were found to be real. The discovery of their existence served to fuel the desires of many – including hunters – to locate other cryptids. After all, if these ex-cryptids ended up real, there is a great chance the others aren’t just folklore.

Michigan-based Cryptids

Hunter in the fall hunting season

Interested in cryptid hunting? You don’t need to venture far. The state of Michigan is home to a number.

One of the most popular is the Michigan Dogman.  According to folklore, the Dogman was first spotted in 1887. Two lumberjacks in Wexford County claimed that they saw a seven-foot-tall beast. It was blue-eyed, had canine-like features, and the torso of a man.

Another cryptid known in the state is Pressie. This gigantic lake serpent is said to have the tail of a whale and the head of a horse.  Pressie inhabits Lake Superior and is said to have been spotted near the Presque Isle River. The first recorded sighting occurred sometime in the 1800s when the crewmen of two steamers saw a creature billowing in the depths of the water, with its back occasionally protruding 6 – 7 feet above the surface.

And of course, there’s Bigfoot.  Also known as Sasquatch, Bigfoot is notorious for the many supposed sightings in different places. This cryptid is supposed to be a 6 to 10-foot tall manlike ape covered in fur, similar to Chewbacca’s.

Given how monstrous these examples are, it brings up the question: Should you continue searching for evidence that proves their existence, or should you leave them in obscurity?

You can’t blame hunters if they choose to continue pursuing cryptids – and you can’t stop them either. The thrill of the chase and the succeeding kill – or, in the case of cryptid discovery, being proven right and finally seeing the mythical target in the flesh – are known to bring euphoric sensations to hunters.

As a hunter, if you even catch (or catch a glimpse) of one cryptid – whether intentionally or not – would you go back to chasing just the typical deer?

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