How To Deal With Poor Sleep Quality

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Do you often feel exhausted even though you just woke up? Feeling tired in the morning can be a frustrating experience, and the main reason for it is simple: poor sleep quality. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’ll be harder for you to focus, and your mood will gradually get worse. Moreover, poor sleep quality is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Determining that you’re not getting adequate sleep is the easy part. What’s tricky is figuring out why your sleep is not restful. Read more below to know more about the signs of poor sleep quality and how to deal with it.

Signs of Poor Sleep

The most common indicator of poor sleep quality is feeling tired even after waking up. But you should also watch out for other symptoms, including:

  • You can’t sleep 30 minutes after getting into bed.
  • Your sleep is regularly interrupted twice or more every night.
  • When you wake up in the wee hours, you can’t go back to sleep quickly.
  • You feel tired the entire day, making it hard to stay focused on your tasks. As a result, you heavily rely on coffee to stay alert.
  • You’re starting to show physical signs- skin breakouts, red and puffy eyes, and dark circles.
  • You are gaining excessive weight due to frequent eating, resulting from hunger caused by a lack of sleep.
  • You’re usually angry, stressed out, and emotionally exhausted.
  • You’re starting to show signs of insomnia.

Understanding Sleep Quality

The first thing you need to know is that sleep quality and sleep quantity are two different things. Sleep quantity measures the amount of sleep you get at night, whereas sleep quality measures if you slept well.

Determining sleep quantity isn’t complicated. In most cases, adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night to consider that they get enough sleep quantity. Measuring sleep quality is a bit more complicated. Generally, good sleep quality is indicated by the following attributes:

  • You can fall asleep right away 30 mins after you get into bed.
  • Your sleep is not interrupted, and you get to sleep throughout the night.
  • You get the recommended sleep hours for your age.
  • It’s easy for you to sleep again after waking up at night.
  • In the morning, you feel well-rested and energized.

Causes of Poor Sleep Quality

Many things could contribute to poor sleep quality. The reasons could vary depending on the situation- stress, sleep apnea, chronic health conditions, and poor sleep hygiene are the most common causes of poor sleep quality.

But sometimes, the reason can be pretty simple, such as an uncomfortable sleeping environment. If this is the case, adjusting is necessary. Changing to a more comfortable mattress, installing dim lights, and even repainting the room may do the trick.

having trouble sleeping

Poor Sleep Hygiene

Poor sleep habits include irregular sleep patterns and consuming too much alcohol or caffeine before bedtime. Recent studies show that too much coffee and smoking are the primary contributors to poor sleep quality. In addition, alcohol can disrupt your sleep, including beverages considered to be sedatives.

Stress or Anxiety

Poor mental health has also been linked to sleep deprivation. Increased stress, depression, and anxiety can significantly affect your quality of sleep, so make sure to consult a specialist immediately.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a health condition that causes lapses in breathing while the person is asleep. People with sleep apnea typically experience prolonged pauses in breathing as they sleep. The lapses then result in poor quality of sleep and ultimately affect the supply of oxygen in the body. Having sleep apnea is a serious health condition. That’s why immediate treatment is recommended.

Chronic Health Conditions

Some chronic health conditions are primarily associated with less sleep and poor sleep patterns. Some of the conditions that can affect your sleep include asthma, lung disease, cancer, renal disease, acid reflux, and chronic pain.

Underlying Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorders occur when you’re asleep, making it hard to notice that they affect you. And because of this, they usually go undiagnosed until you seek professional care. For example, people with PLMD or periodic limb movement disorder tend to create jerking leg movements involuntarily while sleeping. Little did they know, this is why they don’t get restful sleep.

Improving Sleep Quality

The good news is that good sleep quality is attainable with a few changes in your habits. Here’s what you can do to have a better sleep:

  • Avoid using your phone 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before you go to bed.
  • Transform your bedroom so it will be more sleep conducive.
  • Follow a sleep and wake-up routine.
  • Create schedules that will allow you to get enough sleep.
  • Make sure to create a relaxing bedtime routine (warm bath, relaxing music, warm milk, etc.)

If, despite your efforts, you still have trouble getting enough sleep, it’s time to call a doctor. In most cases, professional help is required to ensure that your health isn’t compromised due to poor sleep quality. Your doctor can determine the root cause of your problem and provide valuable solutions to help you sleep restfully.

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