Make or Break: How Travel Affects Your Relationship

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Life is a journey. People may not be physically at sea or floating up in the air,  but they move forward through time — or as the case for some, seemingly at a standstill. Yet, an essential they have to realize along the way is that to be effective, they need people to travel that journey with them. An entrepreneur would need workers to bring about their dream of cutting a fair share of the market. For those in a relationship, they need their significant other to be one with them on life’s journey.

Unfortunately, as things unfold, many of these relationships break. For instance, there are the pandemic’s rising cases of divorce as the virus pummeled America. You may expect couples who choose to tie the knot and say their “I do” and “till death do us part” to last in these trying times. But perhaps bogged by all the challenges, divorces and break-ups are at an all-time high.

So a good question for you would be, will your partner or soon-to-be partner last through the hard times?

Thankfully, you need not go through a pandemic to know. A good way for you to check if your person of interest is forever-worthy is to travel together. On the other end of the spectrum, hopping on the same plane, bus, boat, or train is a tried-and-tested way to cement your relationship.

A Great Way to Bond

Before you think about buying a plane ticket or finalizing your itinerary, make sure you have your vaccine passport with you all the time. If you have not been vaccinated, don’t go out of town or around the world to enjoy.  You might put yourself in danger if that’s the case. You also lower your chances of getting into a foreign land without one.

Have you noticed the value of shared events since grade school or high school? When you go out with people and go through the same experience (e.g., watching movies, going swimming), you develop a bond. Your relationship strengthens. How much more when you travel the world? All those wonderful sights in strange lands should put you in awe of the magnificence of nature.

A study showed that test subjects undergoing MRI scans would revel at pictures of colleagues knowing that that colleague is also watching the same picture in the other room. Their MRI showed greater levels of brain activity, knowing someone important to them is sharing the same experience.

Stress Test


Traveling also serves as a stress test. Take note that if anything goes wrong, it’s bound to come up when traveling. In short, you’re highly likely going to witness who the person is when faced with the challenges of travel.

You can check how “fit” you are for each other in terms of personality by engaging your brains in real-life problem-solving. When people fall in love, they forget the essentials such as the character or the career of the person. They get swept by the looks.

In a sense, this is why executive matchmaking experts have found greater success in making relationships work. These professionals do their due diligence. As a result, they have greater success in pairing two single people who want to meet their significant other.

When you’re met with stressful situations such as delays in the airport or not finding good food, you can witness how patient your travel companion is, not to mention how they overcome such challenges.

So be wary about the red flags. Does your travel buddy shout at the baggage personnel as your flight gets delayed? Do they berate and complain to the hotel about the room? If so, do you think they’d handle themselves better when you’re already married?

Treating the Help

Oftentimes, subordinates and crews would be catering to you along the way. If you take a cruise, the boat crew will be there. In a hotel, there’s the concierge. Chances are, service may not be as you expect them to be. Food may not taste as delicious as advertised, or food that you want may not be there at all.

In such trying times, how does your travel buddy handle the situation? The way they handle those stressful moments shows a lot about their character. Respect and kindness should be given not only to each other but also to other people.

The Fit

Best of all, you’ll know if you’d like to spend the rest of your life together with the person you’re traveling with. As hours turn into days, you can feel how much joy or disappointment you have when traveling with the person. That should give you a clue on what to do next. By traveling together, you’re one step closer to a relationship of a lifetime.

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