Making Dental Appointments Easy Despite Your Anxiety

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Going to any medical facility can be dreadful. You have to book an appointment which means you need to clear your schedule for half a day or so. You have to sit there, waiting, before you hear any confirmation that, yes, something is wrong with you. It could also be a confirmation that nothing is wrong, so you end up feeling like you wasted your time, even though the negative result will help you sleep better at night.

The whole experience is tougher for people who suffer from anxiety or phobia. If the fear is induced either by a full-blown phobia or the typical worry of going to any medical facility, only a psychiatrist can tell.

It is common to hear stories about people going through panic attacks from the thought of having a dental procedure. A dental procedure is usually associated with needles, numbness, gagging, and pain— all of which can induce fear. This fear is rooted in past experiences and the tropes about dental clinics. It’s important to note that the dental procedures from before are far from the field’s current developments.

To address the issue, some medical practitioners and clinics have been formulating programs to ease people’s fears. However, not all dental practitioners are the same. It’s best to choose a dental clinic that gives you the most comforting vibe. Casey Dentists, for instance, offer discussions with their new patients about their dental concerns, fears, and anxiety on their initial appointment. Communicating well with your dentist is the first step to keep you at ease.

Here are some other ways you can make a bearable experience out of your dentist appointment:

  1. Take advantage of the technological advances in dentistry.

Not all clinics provide the same procedures. Before you set an appointment, research online if the clinic offers up-to-date technologies in the field of dentistry.

Digital check-up and computer-aided procedures are less frightening than undergoing procedures using mechanical tools. Of course, not all dental concerns can be addressed by a computer. However, the dental innovations of today are far from the dentistry of the past. The improved procedures and tools can provide you with a better dental experience.

  1. Coordinate with your dentist.

It’s best to coordinate with your dentist by asking for options on how you can be put at ease during the procedure. For sure, your dentist had patients before who have the same fear as you. At the same time, not all patients have the same coping mechanism. Tell your dentist about the modes of distraction that can work for you. Does music calm you down? How about watching a film? If your dental anxiety is severe, ask your dentist if relative analgesia (happy gas) or conscious sedation (twilight sedation) is a viable option for you.

  1. Have a therapy session with your psychiatrist.

Therapist listening to her patient in therapist's clinic

The root of this problem is your anxiety. Once diagnosed, your psychiatrist will suggest anti-anxiety medication and therapy to address it. On top of medication and therapy, ask your psychiatrist about the lifestyle changes that will be helpful in your productivity despite the disorder.

Before going to your dentist specifically, inquire about how you should handle your dental anxiety. If possible, go weeks before, in case new meds will be prescribed by your psychiatrist. It takes more than a week to know if your meds are effective.

Trust the advancements in the field of dentistry, and don’t let your anxiety hinder you from achieving overall health. 

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