Ticking the Bucket List: Places You Need to Visit in London

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When you ask a person which places they wish to visit, London will definitely be one of the top answers. After all, the capital city is home to a lot of tourist attractions and landmarks that are portrayed in various films and books. However, even though London is among the popular dream destinations of the majority, some people tend to be afraid of turning that dream into reality. Most of the time, the biggest hindrance is the budget.

But as the famous saying goes, if you truly want something, you must work hard to get it. You can save enough to afford the trip to London because the experience is definitely worth all that struggle. You would not even have to worry about finding a place to stay since there are many places with cheap accommodation in London. There are packages offered for students as well, meaning the places are budget-friendly even when you are staying for long periods.

Now that you have that worry out of the way, it is time to discover the best places to visit in this beautiful city:

The London Eye

If you love seeing things from a different perspective, then you should definitely add the London Eye to your trip. The London Eye, also known as the Millennium Wheel, is a cantilevered observation wheel that would give you a spectacular view of London, which overlooks the capital’s famous landmarks such as the Parliament and Big Ben. It is also considered the tallest observation wheel in the world.

Buckingham Palace Tour

Would you really be experiencing London if you don’t visit the palace? Go full royalty and visit the official place where the Queen resides at the Buckingham Palace Tour. You can explore the palace’s extravagant interiors, staterooms, and other special exhibitions. It is definitely one of the most popular tourist spots in London.

Covent Garden

If you enjoy shopping or visiting different cafes, then you should visit Covent Garden. It is a district and entertainment hub located in West End, popular among tourists in which you could shop for souvenirs, watch street performers, and shop at high-end fashion stores. It is also where the Royal Opera House is located.

Madame Tussauds

This is where most people meet several celebrities face to face – their wax figures at least. Come meet the royal family‘s wax figures at Madame Tussauds in Marylebone Road. It is the wax museum founded by sculptor Marie Tussauds and is one of the most popular tourist spots in London. There are several smaller branches of the museum around the world, but the main museum is the one in London. The museum is said to house at least 300 waxworks, which includes several influential people and celebrities.

LondonTower of London

Enrich your knowledge of history and have a beefeater tour in the Tower of London. Explore one of the most famous buildings in the world and get to know its history as a once royal residence, prison, place of execution, and a zoo. The Jewel House is where the crown jewels are being kept which is also in the Tower of London.

London is indeed a beautiful place with lots of fun things to visit and explore. It might be difficult to save money for your trip, but experiencing it firsthand is extremely worth it and would pay off.

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