Choosing a Venue for Your Wedding Reception

Tables, chairs, decor, and decorations at a wedding reception at an outdoor venue
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A memorable wedding requires significant effort. While there are many aspects to be considered, you must not forget to decide on the reception venue. Here are some essential tips for choosing the best place for your big day.

Match with the theme

While there are a lot of venues to choose from, do not forget that the perfect place should match perfectly the theme with your wedding’s . In St. Paul, many event venues specialize in wedding ceremonies. Seek one that will satisfy what you have in mind. If you opt to have a modern wedding, think about finding a well-designed indoor venue or a classy restaurant. If you are fascinated with art, then you can have your reception in an art gallery. Meanwhile, if you want to feel the fresh air and stay close to nature, then choose outdoor venues such as parks, rest houses, and beaches.

Find an accessible location

Pay attention to the location of your wedding venue. You want your guests to reach the area conveniently so that they can celebrate with you, so don’t give them a hard time coming to the location. Ensure the accessibility of the reception venue. Find an event venue close to your ceremony venues. Huge travel distance from the ceremony to reception can be stressful for visitors. Also, ensure that there is available accommodation in the place or nearby.

Know how many guests to invite

Handmade wedding invitations with fuchsia ribbon

Decide on the number of guests to invite on your big day. This will serve as a guide when finding a venue that can accommodate everyone. Aside from the number of guests, also consider other essentials, such as tables and chairs, audio equipment, and stages. If you’re inviting many friends and family members from other towns, there must be accommodation options nearby.

Consider your budget

Managing your funds is one of the keys to a successful wedding. This is why you should set a realistic budget and stick to it. Your budget should include the rent for the place, the decorations, and the amenities that you will need for the event. The food should also be a priority. Consider the number of expected attendees so that you can communicate your needs and demands to your caterer. Look into the number of guests, the food to be served, and the rental costs before choosing your final reception venue.

Ensure spacious parking

Consider a spacious parking lot near the reception venue depending on how many guests are arriving. If parking is a problem, look for alternatives to take guests from the ceremony venue to the reception. Consider hiring a shuttle bus or van to provide your guest with convenient travel to the place. Remember that vehicle rental can mean significant additional costs, so find a venue with spacious parking.

Making a dream wedding come true is not easy. It requires hard work and careful planning, especially when choosing venues that suit your wedding theme, the needs of your guests. Always stick to your budget, but allot a contingency fund for when something goes wrong. Follow the tips mentioned above so that you can find the perfect place for your big day.

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